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These are difficult days for our country. The Coronavirus emergency has upset the lives of all of us and profoundly changed our work and social habits.

Many of us are forced to live in seclusion in their homes, limiting travel to a minimum. Others are forced to work to provide essential public services: logistics, pharmacies, groceries, transport ...

Still others are at the forefront of this war and these heroes (there is no other term to define them) are entrusted with the most important task: to contain the infection, protect people and cure them.

They are the women and men of the Civil Protection, the volunteers, the hospital staff, the doctors who assist thousands of people affected by this devious epidemic. Every day, every hour, every minute they struggle against exhaustion, the lack of beds, mechanical intensive care respirators, personal protective equipment to which their health is entrusted, first and foremost.

Without these men and women, it would be impossible to cope with the infection.

For this reason, ilmiofumetto.it has decided to support, despite its small size, the Lombardy Region, the region most affected by the emergency with over 15,000 infected and almost 1,000 patients in intensive care.

Click here to create your personalized postcard

In Lombardy, public and private health is collapsing and the intensive care and resuscitation stations are running out, at the mercy of the healed-deceased balance. Many people are dying in their homes and the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia are showing death rates and hospitalizations that are still growing exponentially.

The Lombardy region is committed to the construction of a large hospital center dedicated to COVID-19 in the Fiera di Rho area.

It will be operational by the end of March and will host 400 intensive care stations. It will be able to host patients from all over Italy and will be crucial for the fight against the epidemic, not only in the Lombardy region but throughout the country. To achieve it, 10 million euros are needed and the machines of the Lombard charity and industriousness have already been set in motion.

We at ilmiofumetto.it have decided to support the Lombardy region and this project by launching the #ANDRATUTTOBENE initiative.

#ANDRATUTTOBENE is a charity initiative whose proceeds will be entirely donated to the Lombardy region

Here's how much we have paid so far!

covid19 civil protection bank transfer

The initiative will last until April 15 and we will publish the amount collected daily on the home page of our website www.ilmiofumetto.it.

Once the collection is complete, we will make the payment by bank transfer to the IBAN indicated above and we will publish a copy of the transfer order on this page, as evidence of the donation made. We will evaluate, upon expiry, whether or not to continue with the initiative, communicating the possible extension on this page and on the home page.

Click here to create your personalized postcard


We have thought that these days living in isolation is very difficult and requires great patience, adaptability and tolerance. But above all it requires the sacrifice of interrupting the social relationships we are used to, of giving up being with the people we love ... parents, relatives, friends, colleagues ...

Fortunately, technology is there for us, and funny videos and video calls go crazy. Even the "off-line" initiatives are multiplying: from the "singing" and musical flash-mobs, to the applause from the balconies addressed to the guardian angels who work in the hospitals.

We too want to contribute to nourishing the warrior, humanitarian and wonderful spirit of the great Italian people.

Those who join this initiative will be able to create a personalized postcard with a small message, a thought, addressed to the people they care about most.


Just send us photos of your faces and we will create a humorous caricature of you.

You can fill out the form below to attach your photos (up to a maximum of 4 people) and enter your message. The photo must be close-ups, taken from the front and taken in good light conditions; possibly without sunglasses, hats, scarves or other clothing that covers the face (even masks !!).

You can choose to donate € 15 or € 20!

... depending on whether you want your caricatures in black and white or in color. The sum, after deducting the cost for the creation of the caricatures by our designers, will be entirely donated to the Lombardy region, according to the methods described above.

Payment will be made directly on the site, at the same time as sending the completed form. It will be possible to pay by credit card (also prepaid or postepay) or Paypal.

The times for the realization are of max 12h. This is because we hope to have so many requests to be busy 24/24 !!

You will receive a jpeg file that you can send via whatsapp to the mobile number you have indicated or via email.


When all this is over we will surely have learned many lessons: to be more tolerant, to face the difficulties that life presents us with determination and courage, to trust true friends and to be wary of false friends; to be more united (also as a people), to adapt, not to complain always, to support each other, to truly love the planet that hosts us and that perhaps wanted to send us a message!

In short, everyone will draw the lesson they want from this experience.

At the end of all this your faces on these postcards will be the most beautiful testimony of how we managed to overcome it ... And it is sure that we will overcome it!



Click here to create your personalized postcard