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Come catturare l’attenzione del pubblico utilizzando lo storytelling

How to grab the audience's attention using storytelling

Communication has become a crucial aspect to be able to capture the attention of the public. It is no longer enough to be clear: you have to be interesting, fun, fast and above all be more so than others. Used to being bombarded with information from all sides and at all times, we have learned to filter out the unimportant, interesting or boring ones.

effective communication

Capturing the attention of the public can therefore be difficult with only a handful of seconds available. In the era of digital marketing, all companies have the ability to access basic marketing tools and skills and it is increasingly difficult to stand out. Users can access content anywhere and anytime, so the abandonment rate of an activity in favor of a more immediate one is much higher than in the past.

How to capture the attention of the public: storytelling

Companies with large capital available can count on large marketing departments dedicated to developing the best communication strategies. Yet, often, the most effective strategies are implemented by companies whose success depends precisely on their ability to reach the public in an original and timely manner.

To distinguish the new generations of marketers there is a deep knowledge of traditional methods and of the most proven techniques, combined with a greater predisposition to the pace of evolution of digital tools, a better ability to adapt to global socio-economic trends and a more careful analysis of the channels and means at their disposal.

For this reason, a technique that seems abused and taken for granted as storytelling is in reality today the heart for the success of a digital communication strategy.

Thanks to the potential of storytelling, companies can validate their proposal by creating a real experience around their products and services, to which the user can access in a more aware and participatory way.

Telling, in fact, is not synonymous with lying or revolving around a concept. Contrary to what has been done for over 50 years by traditional communication agencies, whose storytelling techniques were based on leveraging certain psychological aspects of the client, often in a not entirely honest way, today a level of honesty and transparency is required without previous.

Google itself is constantly evolving to provide users with the truest, most reliable and useful information possible, thus no longer rewarding apparently well-indexed resources and sources, but those whose relevance can really help those who search online.

Why use storytelling

Contrary to popular belief, many companies remain tied to their communication style and are skeptical of adopting new methods. For years they have managed to achieve their goals without having to renew themselves and fear that the risk of change could cause the opposite effect.

Wrong. Not only does evolving allow you to reach new potential customers, but it also gives a strong message to the regulars, who will find one more reason to contact you. Provided that what you tell, of course, is crucial to meeting their needs.

Communication tools and methods to capture the attention of the public

Originality and quality are the two most incisive factors in the use of storytelling within a communication strategy. The good news is that they are two intrinsic values ​​of the story, therefore they lay the foundations for building a winning strategy.

comics for business

To get results, however, it is important to select the right medium to tell a story.

Also in this case, marketing evolves looking for answers in languages ​​as well known and known as unexplored, such as comics.

The comic allows you to combine images with text, making any concept much clearer and multiplying the effect thanks to a convincing story and characters that the public can identify with. Telling through images increases the clarity of the message, making it more engaging and memorable. Not to mention the fun factor! The comic language has the extraordinary ability to make light and fun even the most serious or complex themes, without trivializing them but, enhancing the most important aspects.

Are you a company that wants to relaunch its image with a limited budget?

Comics offer incredible value for money and are extremely effective even with small investments. Everything you need in a single format, without having to invest in unique and expensive graphic content or free tools without customization. Comics help you to always set up new and personalized marketing campaigns, combining maximum visual impact with clarity of presentation.

Are you a startup that wants to enter the market in an alternative and engaging way?

Comics are a great way to get your message across clearly and quickly to your audience, while maintaining a young, creative and innovative image. Because the comic has always existed, but it offers endless explorations.

Are you a large company and want to undertake a new training program for your employees?

With the comic you will have the attention of all your staff and the certainty that they learn everything you need them to know, in a much more effective way than traditional refresher courses.

And then you will look much nicer!